Medford School District Announces “Kindergarten Launch” Event

Will your child be five years old by September 1, 2024? It’s time to kickstart their educational journey with Kindergarten Launch.

Parents and guardians anticipating their child’s entry into kindergarten are invited to participate in the upcoming Kindergarten Launch event, scheduled for Wednesday, April 10th, from 4-6 pm at your respective school. This event serves as a crucial milestone for families, marking the beginning of their child’s educational adventure.

Designed for both parents and future kindergarten students, Kindergarten Launch aims to provide a comprehensive overview of what to expect as your child embarks on this pivotal stage of their academic development. Attendees are encouraged to bring their child along for an immersive experience.

In order to register your child, attendees must come prepared with essential documents, including their child’s immunization records, birth certificate, and proof of address.

If you are unsure which school your child should attend, click here to enter your address and the district’s school finder will tell you.

During Kindergarten Launch, parents and guardians can expect to:

  • Complete an Intent to Enroll for Kindergarten, facilitating the registration process.
  • Engage with school staff members, allowing for the opportunity to address any questions or concerns.
  • Receive valuable tips and insights on how to prepare their child for the kindergarten experience, ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Participate in hands-on activities tailored to young learners, fostering excitement and curiosity.

This event serves as an important platform for families to familiarize themselves with the school environment, connect with educators, and gain valuable resources to support their child’s educational journey.

As the countdown to kindergarten begins, parents are encouraged to mark their calendars for this essential event and take the first step towards ensuring a successful and fulfilling educational experience for their child.

Source: MSD549C


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