Hazard Discovery Prompts Planned Electrical Outage in Ashland

This morning, electrical crews in Ashland made a critical discovery that necessitates immediate action. A hazardous situation was identified on a utility pole located at the intersection of Iowa and Palm. To ensure the safety of residents and address the issue promptly, electrical crews have scheduled a planned outage for later today.

The outage is set to begin at 12:30 PM and is expected to last approximately one hour. During this time, power will be temporarily disconnected to facilitate necessary repairs and maintenance work on the affected utility pole.

The impacted areas include the areas of Ashland, spanning from East Main to Wightman, and from Siskiyou to South Mountain Avenue. Residents and businesses within this vicinity are urged to prepare for the temporary power interruption.

Local authorities and electrical crews are working to minimize the inconvenience caused by this outage. Residents are advised to take precautions, such as ensuring electronic devices are properly shut down and any essential electrical equipment is safely powered off before the scheduled outage time.

For further updates and information regarding the outage and repair progress, residents are encouraged to stay tuned to local news sources and the official channels of the Ashland Electrical Department.

Source: City of Ashland


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